Hiragana Romaji Meaning
おはようございます ohayou gozaimasu Good morning
こんにちは konnichi wa* Good afternoon
こんばんは konban wa* Good evening
おやすみなさい oyasumi nasai Good night
はじめまして hajimemashite Nice to meet you (in beginning)
どうぞよろしく douzo yoroshiku Nice to meet you (thanks in advance)

In English, we say good morning all the way up to about noon.

However, in Japanese, ohayou gozaimasu literally means “it is early,” so if you use it too far after 10am, you might have people wondering how late you get up.

In English, we use “hello” as an all-purpose greeting anytime of the day or night, but in Japanese, konnichi wa is a daytime greeting. Be sure to honor the double consonant when pronouncing this greeting.

Besides being used in the literal sense when wishing someone a good night before going to bed, oyasumi nasai is used frequently to say goodbye to someone at night.

Hajimemashite and douzo yoroshiku are two set phrases that people say when meeting someone for the first time. Pick one that you want as your own personal phrase for when you meet new people.

In a formal setting, when two people meet for the first time, they bow to each other from the waist. Men keep their arms at their side, fingers stretched out flat, as the bow. Women put their hands together in front of their lap. This bow is called o-jigi.

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